Device Visualization

Our visualization and test management solutions help you reduce test cycle time by 40%

Device Scope


Device Scope

Visually configure board parameters and view performance metrics in real-time, as charts and other visual aids

Ease of use

Provide an interactive dynamic vector graphics sketches of hardware schematic diagram. Users can drill-down to blocks, units, low-level registers, and parameters.



A tester can configure board parameters by setting registers. Allow bulk operations like setting multiple board parameters from preconfigured data sets.


Device Activity

Ability view data paths and real-time board activity as data tables, dynamic charts, gauges, and other chart controls



Ability to set thresholds on metrics, and raise alarms when the parameters go beyond pre-set thresholds


Reference board demo apps

Deliver embedded and desktop demo apps using Qt Quick, QML, OpenGL, WxPython , Java, .NET, React and Angular


Domain experience

Quick turnaround time due to rich experience in delivering many visualization solutions in the areas of FFT performance, PCIe bus benchmarking, real time video performance, network performance, power consumption, and direct device access JTAG, USB, or UART).

Test Management


Test Management

Reduce pre-silicon validation and post-silicon verification efforts by helping engineers quickly isolate anomalies, and easily exchange test results with other functional groups



Integrate with existing management solutions or implement an open-source solution for scheduling test jobs on your choice of boards, analysis tools, and simulators. Also, develop productivity improvement utilities such as remote CLI access, license aware scheduling tools.


Data Modeling

Review group level workflows, roles, and responsibilities to develop a unified data model that fits your process flow. The data model organizes test results based on blocks, units, iterations, and releases. Integrate the data model with your SSO to ensure that data access is restricted.


Result Aggregation

Develop ETL scripts to extract essential metrics from log files, bitstreams, and save them into a single data store. Alert and re-run mechanisms for manual intervention in the event of autoload program failures.


Reports portal

Develop a reports portal that will allow management to see the overall view of the iterations and testing process. It will also enable engineers to view test results, instantly access debug-logs, create custom dashboards, define thresholds, and send alerts.




Solutions to ease regression analytics using visual charts and AI

Reusable widgets

Create a catalog of standard widgets that are usable across the organization. Standard widgets cover visualization of timing, area, power, voltage, and thermal, and other standard parameters.


Regression Analytics

Interactive visual charts to track parameter trends in a design cycle right from synthesis to post-layout netlist. Build custom dashboards using widget catalog to visualize correlating parameter trends


Custom widgets

Custom widgets are specific to the current chip/device. These widgets can be of comparison, performance, and benchmark results. Some of these widgets are reusable while developing TRD applications that demonstrate board capabilities to OEMs and other marketing channels


Defect Isolation

Empower engineers to isolate the defects quickly by providing advanced search capability to test logs as well as instant access to the original test logs. Also, develop supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms to automate anomaly detection, which will further enhance engineer's efficiency.